2004-02-26 - 6:10 p.m.

Miss Kat..... Thank you so much for your concern.

Jake is just fine. He finally kicked his flu/cold after a few weeks. We are all doing great. The reason I have not been updating lately is because I have been so darn busy lately. I have a couple of playgroups a week now, and I have really been trying to focus on diet and exercise. My husband and I have started working out together in the mornings. We have been getting up at 5:30am. GAH!!! 6 days a week. It is very difficult, and does not leave a lot of time for guilty pleasures like the computer. I have been putting most of computer time into my private fitness journal. Unfortunately it does not leave much time for my public journal. I miss all my online friends.

I hope you are doing well also. I will try to update more often. Thanks for your concern and motivation.

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